Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 14 Seville to Guillena (Stage 1)

We had another sleepless night in Seville. Our room had two bunk beds. One floor above us was another room with four. All four of which were filled with highly charged youths who were not very quiet upon returning from their late evening meal. They busied themselves with  showers, gaiety and laughter until they finally fell asleep at 2:30 am. Then our new roommate fell asleep and snored like a bull. We were glad to leave that alberque, and start our walk. It was a lovely walk. We passed through one city, Santiponce, where we stopped for breakfast. Cafe con leche, fresh squeezed orange juice, and a croissant with honey. It was delicious and about 5 euros. Stu then met an Englishman, George, and he was like a kid at the grocery store talking talking talking. We arrived early, found the albergue, and since it did not open until 2 we went off to the grocery store and hung out drinking beer, coke and eating potato salad. We came back at 1 and there were already 8 in line for the 20 beds in new part and 10 down in the old part. The overflow was beginning to fill. There is always the concern of whether there will be enough beds. Next closest place is another 16 kilometers.  The albergue is very clean and 10 euros a night. It has a microwave and a hot plate so we bought soup, vegetables and bread  for dinner. Our hostess, Jacqueline, is French and a volunteer. She was lovely. She warned us about people that enter the aubergue to steal. She stays until 9 or 10 to watch out for the pilgrims and then locks the door. They keep statistics in Santiago and there were only 2 Americans. Everyone was in their bunk by 10 and our room was quiet. We all had a good sleep. No Internet or wifi.

Doing the dishes

The long road to Guillena

15th Century church in Guillena

Stu and his new mate George

George's dinner

Cork trees

Church in Santiponce

Lining up at the albergue in Guillena

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