Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 4 San Pedro de Rosados to Salamanca (Stage 20)

The Cross
A special day in a special city. Today is the day my mom was born 93 years ago. She was a special woman only 5 feet at her tallest and 90 pounds at her fattest.  No bigger then a minute but strong and determined. 
We left our Casa  Rural with all clean clothes and a little cafe con leche. We didn't leave until 8 because we were literly locked in   We set off in the rain. It was a light rain and felt good. We walked on dirt roads all the way here We opened and closed gates entering and exiting small farms. Most were cattle or cow farms.  The country side was green and yellow with flowers. The walk was only 25k but very tireing. The road was very wet and muddy and you slipped and slid all over the place. We met a couple from Austria and Germany and also Alberto and Nora at the cross right outside Salamonca. A man made the cross and dedicated it to his parents and the pilgrims that pass as well as the hostileros. All pilgrims place a rock at the base or near by then make a wish. It is very moving. Into the city we trudged and were met by a hale storm. We finally made it to our hostel   Our Hostel Cathedral  is very small and lovely. It is on the first  floor of a building just across from the Cathedral  There are only three rooms run by an elderly man and his wife. The cost is 45€ a night. We will stay for 2 nights then start the second half of our pilgrimage. It is a sad day because most of our friends are stopping here and returning to their countries. We have become so used to greeting them each day.  We truly wish them Buen Camino. Many will return in September to finish the Camino.

The Way to Salamanca

On the Way to Salamanca

Entering Salamanca

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