Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9 Zamora to Montamarta (Stage 24)

We really slept in and had a good breakfast and left our hotel at 8 . The sun was up and no rain clouds in the sky . The Camino was well marked and we walked through fields of mustard and grains. The first town we came to Roales de Pan was a lovely village. When you enter there is a stone cross and a small garden with both fruit trees, vegetables and statues. The statues are of Perigrinos, animals, birds, and religious statues. It is all tended by an elderly couple that welcome you to come in and talk. The amazing thing is that they get ideas from an art teacher in California through the Internet. This little farming town has just a couple hundred people. It was a delightful start to our day. We marched on having to stop once to take off our long sleeve shirts for short sleeve . It was very warm and the road was dry and easy to walk on. We passed more fields and arrived in Montamarta. I had called ahead to a casa rural to reserve a room for us. We are staying at Casa del Sastre . If you go to the Internet and look up Casa del Sastre, Montamarta, Spain you will find it. It is a lovely old house and our room has double beds with sheets and a comforter. Everything clean and beautiful. We have a large bathroom across the hall with a large shower. When I called she asked if we would want lunch so of course I ordered lunch. She would make it any time that suited us. She has a large patio and washing facility   When we got there we washed our dirty clothes, boots and hung them in the sun. We had the best lunch we have had on the Camino. She started with a cream of zuchini  soup with warm bread and wine and water. She then served a lettuce, tomato salad with red peppers and olives and pork loin. It was delicious. Desert was a delectable chocolate pudding and a flat chocolate candy with a pineapple flavor. We are now in our room resting. Stu has past out. He doesn't call it sleeping. The cost of the room is 40 euros. The lunch 9.50 euros each. We are getting so spoiled. Tomorrow we will leave the Camino de Plata that continues on to Astorga and start a new Camino de la Sanabres that goes up into the mountains and terminates in Santiago. We walked over to the Alberques, that we thought would be full and there is only  Josette, Jean Claude and Jean Paul and one other person. We were glad to see them and they us. Being the only ones left of the original Seville group, we hope to take pictures of the five of us in front of the Cathedral in Santiago. Time will tell.

On the Way to Montamarta

Garden in Roales del Pan


Navigation aid 

Entering Roales del Pan

Scene along the Way

Stu recuperating

Fellow pilgrim

More scenery

 lunch by candlelight

Church in Montamarta


Tomorrow's departure route

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